Pantanal Maps
The Pantanal covers an area of 140,000 km2 - which is equivalent to almost two-thirds the size of the United Kingdom. The exact boundaries are difficult to define, being impacted by the changing course of rivers and the highs and lows of individual flood years.
The Pantanal is region is bounded by Porto Murtinho in the south, and Cuiabá in the north. Its location in the west is governed primarily by the Paraguay river - with the eastern boundaries stretching out across the shallow basin formed between the Paraguay and the central Brazilian plateau (or Cerrado) in the east.
The region is encircled by Brazilian Federal Highways which are paved and are generally open year round. By contrast, many of the minor routes within the Pantanal are unpaved and are subject to flooding (or becoming muddy bogs) in the wet season between November and February.

Tourist Information for Pantanal Locations
The links below have detailed tourist information, accommodation listings, and local history for each of the major Pantanal locations.

Interactive Zoomable Map
Below is a more detailed Pantanal map which you can zoom and scroll. Among other things it shows the positions of major Pantanal lodges. This works with most newer HTML5 compatible browsers (although still seems to have some issues with Internet Explorer).

To view full-screen: Press the right-most button on the toolbar beneath the map.
NOTE: Despite the extra detail in this map, it is NOT recommended for use as a driving map as some inaccuracies may have crept in. If you're planning to drive in the Pantanal region, we strongly recommend you purchase local maps - such as those published by Quatro Rodas. These are continually revised and trusted by the locals.
NOTE: Despite the extra detail in this map, it is NOT recommended for use as a driving map as some inaccuracies may have crept in. If you're planning to drive in the Pantanal region, we strongly recommend you purchase local maps - such as those published by Quatro Rodas. These are continually revised and trusted by the locals.

Pantanal Sub-Regions
The Brazilian Pantanal is often broken down into sub-regions for study and categorisation. This reflects the fact that the Pantanal isn't a single homogenous environment. There are minor differences in the landscape and annual flood cycle for each of these - along with associated differences in flora and fauna.

There regions above are as follow:
- Pantanal do Cáceres. Between the river Paraguai and the Chapada dos Parecis, bordering to the west with Bolivia.
- Pantanal do Poconé. Between the rivers Paraguai and Cuiabá. The Transpantaneira road cuts through the middle of this region.
- Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço. Between the rivers Cuiabá and Piquiri, bordering with the Chapada dos Guimarães to the north.
- Pantanal do Paraguai. Following the course of the river Paraguai.
- Pantanal de Paiaguás. Between the rivers São Lourenço, Taquari and Itiquira. Flooding is particularly intense on this region.
- Pantanal da Nhecolândia. Between the rivers Negro and Taquari.
- Pantanal de Abobral: Centred around the Abobral river, bordering the Pantanal da Nhecolândia with the Aquidauana and Miranda regions.
- Pantanal de Aquidauana. Cut by the rivers Aquidauana and lower reaches of the Rio Negro,bordering with the cerrado.
- Pantanal de Miranda. Centred around the town of Miranda, between the Pantanal do Nabileque and the Pantanal de Aquidauana.
- Pantanal do Nabileque. Between the Serra da Bodoquena and the river Paraguai. Another subregion of the Pantanal where flooding makes an noticeable impression on the landscape.
- Pantanal do Porto Murtinho: Often incorporated into the Pantanal de Nabileque, this is the bottom-most portion of the Pantanal.

Banner image: Tourists on a Pantanal Horse Trek(Shutterstock/Filipe Matos Frazao)
Footer images: Andrew Mercer
Pantanal Escapes