Discover Brazil's Wild Wonderland

This is a variation of the Pantanal Arroz Boiadeiro (Cowboy Rice) dish which is typically served on the cattle ranches of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. This variation uses pork ribs - but you can use any other meat such as beef, sausage, chicken or combinations. Note that the quantity here - using 2 kg of rice - is enough to feed 20 people. Hence you may want to scale back a little. The cook believes that cooking this over a traditional wood fire adds to the flavour - although its obviously not possible in most kitchens.

Ingredients: 4 kg pork ribs; 2 kg uncooked rice; Juice from six oranges, Garlic, Salt and Italian Parsley to taste.
  1. Start by frying the meat in a pan until very well cooked (about 1 hour according to the presenter, but it depends on the heat of your fire or stove. Smaller quantities would also need less time). The cooking is essentially to reduce down the fat. The meat should look quite dry before you add further ingredients.
  2. Next, add the orange juice. This is the secret ingredient to help brown the meat (and the rice) and to infuse more flavour.
  3. After cooking for a few more minutes, add the garlic. Mix, then add the uncooked rice. Continue mixed well so that the rice is well coated.
  4. Add one litre of water into the pot for each kg of rice used.
  5. Leave the rice to cook uncovered - although you may want to continue mixing occasionally.
  6. When the rice is almost ready, add the italian parsley (you could also use spring onions).
