About Us

Pantanal Escapes is a free travel guide to help visitors to the Pantanal region. Our aim is to help you better understand the Pantanal's rich diversity, and to get best possible experience from your visit

Although wildlife is the the Pantanal's obvious attraction, you shouldn't overlook its other wealth in terms of local culture and history. As someone with family in the region, and a long time visitor (albeit nowhere near frequently enough), its hoped that the insights provided here will help you better plan and appreciate your visit.

Finding tourist information about the Pantanal can be tricky. Although there are plenty of sites offering tours, they usually comprise only of a few pretty pictures - without information about what to expect or how to get there. Guidebooks can be more helpful - but also frequently skim over the essentials or quickly become out of date.

By contrast - this website is based on personal experience in the region, hidden gems from Portuguese-language texts, and additional research. Although this initial offering is fairly basic, the plan is to add to the material and to highlight any additional topical information that you might need to know.

We've tried to make this site mobile and tablet-friendly since these are the devices most travellers will be carrying. An offline (app) version version is also in development.

Suggestions and other feedback about the site is welcome. Just use our Contact Form.

In the meantime, please enjoy.

Andrew Mercer
Editor, Pantanal Escapes

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Giant Otters in the Pantanal, Brazil
Giant anteater in the Pantanal, Brazil
Pantaneiro cowboys in the Pantanal, Brazil
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Photo Credits: Spectacled Caiman (Shutterstock/Dirk Ercken)

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