Harpy Eagle
Known locally as the Gavião-real (Royal Hawk), the Harpy Eagle is the largest raptor in the South American rainforest, and one of the world's largest eagles – albeit with a comparatively short wingspan which increases its manoeuvrability through forested habitats. Although rare, it ranges widely across Latin American rainforests where it inhabits the upper canopy and preys on small animals among the tree-tops.
They're not the largest predatory bird on the planet, but Harpy Eagles (Harpia harpyja) are the strongest. They have a powerful beak, talons or claws comparable with those of a grizzly bear, and legs about as thick as a human wrist. Harpy Eagles are apex predators which take monkeys, sloths, baby deer, and other prey weighing up to 8kg. There are even rare reports of them taking domestic livestock such as chickens, sheep, goats, and small pigs. These large, fast, and agile predatory birds undoubtedly inspired awe in early travellers given that their name recalls the Harpyja – half-woman, half-bird monsters of Greek mythology.
Harpy eagles are 86.5–107 cm long, with a wingspan of 176 to 224 cm. This makes it slightly smaller in size than the Philippine Eagle, although Harpy Eagles still exceed them in bulk. Female Harpy Eagles typically weigh 6 to 9 kg in the wild – whereas males are smaller, ranging from 4 to 5 kg. Heavier weights have been recorded for captive birds.
The birds' upper surfaces are slate black, with the underside being mostly white.
A broad black band across the upper breast separates the grey head from the white belly. The head is pale grey, and is crowned with a double crest
The upper side of the tail is black with three gray bands, while the underside of it is black with three white bands. The iris is gray or brown or red, the cere and bill are black or blackish and the tarsi and toes are yellow. The plumage of males and females are identical. The tarsus is up to 13 cm long
Despite size and strength, the hawk is fragile. (Deforestation, habitat loss)
Although primarily a forest dweller in the Amazon and protected regions of Brazil's Mata Atlântica forest, Harpy Eagles can also observed in areas of the Cerrado and Pantanal biomes.
They typically occur below an elevation of 900 m (3,000 ft), but have been recorded at elevations up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft)
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It is sometimes cited as the largest eagle alongside the Philippine eagle, which is somewhat longer on average, and the Steller's sea eagle, which is slightly heavier on average.[8] The wingspan of the harpy eagle is relatively small, an adaptation that increases maneuverability in forested habitats and is shared by other raptors in similar habitats.
It is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the rainforest,[4] and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests in the upper (emergent) canopy layer. Destruction of its natural habitat has caused it to vanish from many parts of its former range, and it is nearly extirpated in Central America. In Brazil, the harpy eagle is also known as royal-hawk (in Portuguese: gavião-real).
The species name harpyja and the word harpy in the common name harpy eagle both come from Ancient Greek harpyia (ἅρπυια). They refer to the Harpies of Ancient Greek mythology. These were wind spirits that took the dead to Hades, and were said to have a body like an eagle and the face of a human
Female harpy eagles typically weigh 6 to 9 kg (13 to 20 lb).[9][11] One source states that adult females can weigh up to 10 kg (22 lb).[12] An exceptionally large captive female, "Jezebel", weighed 12.3 kg (27 lb).[13] Being captive, this large female may not be representative of the weight possible in wild harpy eagles due to differences in the food availability.[14][15] The male, in comparison, is much smaller and weighs only about 4 to 4.8 kg (8.8 to 10.6 lb).[9][11] Harpy eagles are 86.5–107 cm (2 ft 10 in–3 ft 6 in) long[10][11] and have a wingspan of 176 to 224 cm (5 ft 9 in to 7 ft 4 in).[9][10] Among the standard measurements, the wing chord measures 54–63 cm (1 ft 9 in–2 ft 1 in), the tail measures 37–42 cm (1 ft 3 in–1 ft 5 in), the tarsus is 11.4–13 cm (4.5–5.1 in) long, and the exposed culmen from the cere is 4.2 to 6.5 cm (1.7 to 2.6 in)
It is sometimes cited as the largest eagle alongside the Philippine eagle, which is somewhat longer on average, and the Steller's sea eagle, which is slightly heavier on average.[8] The wingspan of the harpy eagle is relatively small, an adaptation that increases maneuverability in forested habitats and is shared by other raptors in similar habitats. The wingspan of the harpy eagle is surpassed by several large eagles who live in more open habitats, such as those in the Haliaeetus and Aquila genera.[9] The extinct Haast's eagle was significantly larger than all extant eagles, including the harpy.[18]
This species is largely silent away from the nest. There, the adults give a penetrating, weak, melancholy scream, with the incubating males' call described as "whispy screaming or wailing".[19] The females' calls while incubating are similar, but are lower-pitched. While approaching the nest with food, the male calls out "rapid chirps, goose-like calls, and occasional sharp screams". Vocalization in both parents decreases as the nestlings age, while the nestlings become more vocal. The nestlings call chi-chi-chi...chi-chi-chi-chi, seemingly in alarm in response to rain or direct sunlight. When humans approach the nest, the nestlings have been described as uttering croaks,
Rare throughout its range, the harpy eagle is found from Mexico (almost extinct), through Central America and into South America to as far south as Argentina. In rainforests, they live in the emergent layer. The eagle is most common in Brazil, where it is found across the entire national territory.[21] With the exception of some areas of Panama, the species is almost extinct in Central America, subsequent to the logging of much of the rainforest there.[22] The harpy eagle inhabits tropical lowland rainforests and may occur within such areas from the canopy to the emergent vegetation. They typically occur below an elevation of 900 m (3,000 ft), but have been recorded at elevations up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft).[1] Within the rainforest, they hunt in the canopy or sometimes on the ground, and perch on emergent trees looking for prey. They do not generally occur in disturbed areas, but regularly visit semiopen forest/pasture mosaic, mainly in hunting forays.[23] Harpies, however, can be found flying over forest borders in a variety of habitats, such as cerrados, caatingas, buriti palm stands, cultivated fields, and cities.[24] They have been found in areas where high-grade forestry is practiced.
Adults are near or even at the top of a food chain and are rarely preyed on.[25] However, two young eagles that were being released into the wild as part of a reintroduction program were taken by a jaguar and the much smaller ocelot [26] Its main prey are tree-dwelling mammals and a majority of the diet has been shown to focus on sloths[27] and monkeys. Research conducted by Aguiar-Silva between 2003 and 2005 in a nesting site in Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil, collected remains from prey offered to the nestling by its parents and after sorting them, concluded, in terms of individuals preyed upon, the harpy's prey basis was composed in 79% by sloths from two species: Bradypus variegatus amounting to 39% of the individual prey base, and Choloepus didactylus to 40%; various monkeys amounted to 11.6% of the same prey base.[28] In a similar research venture in Panama, where a couple of captive-bred subadults was released, 52% of the male's captures and 54% of the female's were of two sloth species (Bradypus variegatus and Choloepus hoffmanni).[29] At one Venezuelan nest, the remains comprised sloths. Monkeys regularly taken can include capuchin monkeys, saki monkeys, howler monkeys, titi monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and spider monkeys. Smaller monkeys, such as tamarins and marmosets, are seemingly ignored as prey by this species.[9] At several nest in Guyana, monkeys made up about 37% of the prey remains found at the nests.[30] Similarly, cebid monkeys made up 35% of the remains found at 10 nests in Amazonian Ecuador.[31] Other partially arboreal and even land mammals are also preyed on given the opportunity, including porcupines, squirrels, opossums, anteaters, armadillos, and even relatively large carnivores such as kinkajous, coatis, and tayras.[9] In the Pantanal, a pair of nesting eagles preyed largely on the porcupine (Coendou prehensilis) and the agouti (Dasyprocta azarae).[32] The eagle may also attack bird species such as macaws: At the Parintins research site, the red-and-green macaw made up for 0.4% of the prey base, with other birds amounting to 4.6%.[28][33] Other parrots have also been preyed on, as well as cracids such as curassows and other birds like seriemas.[9] Additional prey items reported include reptiles such as iguanas, tegus, and snakes.[9][11] A recent literature review lists a total of 102 prey species.[34].
The eagle has been recorded as taking domestic livestock, including chickens, lambs, goats, and young pigs, but this is extremely rare under normal circumstances.[9] They control the population of mesopredators such as capuchin monkeys which prey extensively on bird's eggs and which (if not naturally controlled) may cause local extinctions of sensitive species
All of the Harpy eagle prey weight between 0.3 kg to 6.5 kg, with the mean prey size equaling 2.6 ± 0.8 kg [36] They possess the largest talons of any living eagle. They have been recorded as lifting prey up to equal their own body weight.[9] That allows the birds to snatch a live sloth from tree branches, as well as other huge prey items. Males usually take relatively smaller prey, with a typical range of 0.5 to 2.5 kg (1.1 to 5.5 lb) or about half their own weight.[9] The larger females take larger prey, with a minimum recorded prey weight of around 2.7 kg (6.0 lb). Adult female harpies regularly grab large male howler or spider monkeys or mature sloths weighing 6 to 9 kg (13 to 20 lb) in flight and fly off without landing, an enormous feat of strength.[9][37][38] Prey items taken to the nest by the parents are normally medium-sized, having been recorded from 1 to 4 kg (2.2 to 8.8 lb).[9] The prey brought to the nest by males averaged 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), while the prey brought to the nest by females averaged 3.2 kg (7.1 lb).[20]
Sometimes, harpy eagles are "sit-and-wait" predators (common in forest-dwelling raptors).[9] In harpies, this consists of perching and watching for long times from a high perch near an opening, a river, or a salt-lick (where many mammals go to feed for nutrients).[9] The more common hunting technique of the species is perch-hunting, which consists of scanning around for prey activity while briefly perched between short flights from tree to tree.[9] When prey is spotted, the eagle quickly dives and grabs the prey.[9] On occasion, they may also hunt by flying within or above the canopy.[9] They have also been observed tail-chasing, a predation style common to hawks that hunt birds, the genus Accipiter.[9] This comprises the eagle pursuing another bird in flight, rapidly dodging among trees and branches.[9]
In ideal habitats, nests would be fairly close together. In some parts of Panama and Guyana, active nests were located 3 km (1.9 mi) away from one another, while they are within 5 km (3.1 mi) of each other in Venezuela. In Peru, the average distance between nests was 7.4 km (4.6 mi) and the average area occupied by each breeding pairs was estimated at 4,300 ha (11,000 acres). In less ideal areas, with fragmented forest, breeding territories were estimated at 25 km (16 mi).[11] The female harpy eagle lays two white eggs in a large stick nest, which commonly measures 1.2 m (3.9 ft) deep and 1.5 m (4.9 ft) across and may be used over several years. Nests are located high up in a tree, usually in the main fork, at 16 to 43 m (52 to 141 ft), depending on the stature of the local trees. The harpy often builds its nest in the crown of the kapok tree, one of the tallest trees in South America. In many South American cultures, it is considered bad luck to cut down the kapok tree, which may help safeguard the habitat of this stately eagle.[39] The bird also uses other huge trees on which to build its nest, such as the Brazil nut tree.[40] A nesting site found in the Brazilian Pantanal was built on a cambará tree (Vochysia divergens).[41]
No display is known between pairs of eagles, and they are believed to mate for life. A pair of harpy eagles usually only raises one chick every 2–3 years. After the first chick hatches, the second egg is ignored and normally fails to hatch unless the first egg perishes. The egg is incubated around 56 days. When the chick is 36 days old, it can stand and walk awkwardly. The chick fledges at the age of 6 months, but the parents continue to feed it for another 6 to 10 months. The male captures much of the food for the incubating female and later the eaglet, but also takes an incubating shift while the female forages and also brings prey back to the nest. Breeding maturity is not reached until birds are 4 to 6 years of age.[9][20][23] Adults can be aggressive toward humans who disturb the nesting site or appear to be a threat to its young.
Although the harpy eagle still occurs over a considerable range, its distribution and populations have dwindled considerably. It is threatened primarily by habitat loss due to the expansion of logging, cattle ranching, agriculture, and prospecting. Secondarily, it is threatened by being hunted as an actual threat to livestock and/or a supposed one to human life, due to its great size.[43] Although not actually known to prey on humans and only rarely on domestic stock, the species' large size and nearly fearless behavior around humans reportedly make it an "irresistible target" for hunters.[11] Such threats apply throughout its range, in large parts of which the bird has become a transient sight only; in Brazil, it was all but wiped out from the Atlantic rainforest and is only found in appreciable numbers in the most remote parts of the Amazon basin; a Brazilian journalistic account of the mid-1990s already complained that at the time it was only found in significant numbers in Brazilian territory on the northern side of the Equator.[44] Scientific 1990s records, however, suggest that the harpy Atlantic Forest population may be migratory.[45] Subsequent research in Brazil has established that, as of 2009, the harpy eagle, outside the Brazilian Amazon, is critically endangered in Espírito Santo,[46] São Paulo and Paraná, endangered in Rio de Janeiro, and probably extirpated in Rio Grande do Sul (where there is a recent (March 2015) record for the Parque Estadual do Turvo)[1] and Minas Gerais[47] – the actual size of their total population in Brazil is unknown.[48]
Globally, the harpy eagle is considered Near Threatened by IUCN[1] and threatened with extinction by CITES (appendix I). The Peregrine Fund until recently considered it a "conservation-dependent species", meaning it depends on a dedicated effort for captive breeding and release to the wild, as well as habitat protection, to prevent it from reaching endangered status, but now has accepted the Near Threatened status. The harpy eagle is considered critically endangered in Mexico and Central America, where it has been extirpated in most of its former range; in Mexico, it used to be found as far north as Veracruz, but today probably occurs only in Chiapas in the Selva Zoque. It is considered as Near Threatened or Vulnerable in most of the South American portion of its range; at the southern extreme of its range, in Argentina, it is found only in the Parana Valley forests at the province of Misiones.[49][50] It has disappeared from El Salvador, and almost so from Costa Rica
Various initiatives for restoration of the species are in place in various countries. Since 2002, Peregrine Fund initiated a conservation and research program for the harpy eagle in the Darién Provinceboom .[51] A similar—and grander, given the dimensions of the countries involved—research project is occurring in Brazil, at the National Institute of Amazonian Research, through which 45 known nesting locations (updated to 62, only three outside the Amazonian basin and all three inactive) are being monitored by researchers and volunteers from local communities. A harpy eagle chick has been fitted with a radio transmitter that allows it to be tracked for more than three years via a satellite signal sent to the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research.[52] Also, a photographic recording of a nest site in the Carajás National Forest was made for the Brazilian edition of National Geographic Magazine.[53]
In Belize, the Belize Harpy Eagle Restoration Project began in 2003 with the collaboration of Sharon Matola, founder and director of the Belize Zoo and the Peregrine Fund. The goal of this project was the re-establishment of the harpy eagle within Belize. The population of the eagle declined as a result of forest fragmentation, shooting, and nest destruction, resulting in near extirpation of the species. Captive-bred harpy eagles were released in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area in Belize, chosen for its quality forest habitat and linkages with Guatemala and Mexico. Habitat linkage with Guatemala and Mexico were important for conservation of quality habitat and the harpy eagle on a regional level. As of November 2009, 14 harpy eagles have been released and are monitored by the Peregrine Fund, through satellite telemetry.[54]
In January 2009, a chick from the all-but-extirpated population in the Brazilian state of Paraná was hatched in captivity at the preserve kept in the vicinity of the Itaipu Dam by the Brazilian/Paraguayan state-owned company Itaipu Binacional.[55] In September 2009, an adult female, after being kept captive for 12 years in a private reservation, was fitted with a radio transmitter before being restored to the wild in the vicinity of the Pau Brasil National Park (formerly Monte Pascoal NP), in the state of Bahia.[56]
In December 2009, a 15th harpy eagle was released into the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area in Belize. The release was set to tie in with the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009, in Copenhagen. The 15th eagle, nicknamed "Hope" by the Peregrine officials in Panama, was the "poster child" for forest conservation in Belize, a developing country, and the importance of these activities in relation to climate change. The event received coverage from Belize's major media entities, and was supported and attended by the U.S. Ambassador to Belize, Vinai Thummalapally, and British High Commissioner to Belize, Pat Ashworth.[57]
In Colombia, as of 2007, an adult male and a subadult female confiscated from wildlife trafficking were restored to the wild and monitored in Paramillo National Park in Córdoba, and another couple was being kept in captivity at a research center for breeding and eventual release.[58] A monitoring effort with the help of volunteers from local Native American communities is also being made in Ecuador, including the joint sponsorship of various Spanish universities[59]—this effort being similar to another one going on since 1996 in Peru, centered around a native community in the Tambopata Province, Madre de Dios Region.[60] Another monitoring project, begun in 1992, was operating as of 2005 in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
Harpy eagles are 86.5–107 cm long, with a wingspan of 176 to 224 cm. This makes it slightly smaller in size than the Philippine Eagle, although Harpy Eagles still exceed them in bulk. Female Harpy Eagles typically weigh 6 to 9 kg in the wild – whereas males are smaller, ranging from 4 to 5 kg. Heavier weights have been recorded for captive birds.
The birds' upper surfaces are slate black, with the underside being mostly white.
A broad black band across the upper breast separates the grey head from the white belly. The head is pale grey, and is crowned with a double crest
The upper side of the tail is black with three gray bands, while the underside of it is black with three white bands. The iris is gray or brown or red, the cere and bill are black or blackish and the tarsi and toes are yellow. The plumage of males and females are identical. The tarsus is up to 13 cm long
Despite size and strength, the hawk is fragile. (Deforestation, habitat loss)
Behaviour and Habitat
Although primarily a forest dweller in the Amazon and protected regions of Brazil's Mata Atlântica forest, Harpy Eagles can also observed in areas of the Cerrado and Pantanal biomes.
They typically occur below an elevation of 900 m (3,000 ft), but have been recorded at elevations up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft)
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It is sometimes cited as the largest eagle alongside the Philippine eagle, which is somewhat longer on average, and the Steller's sea eagle, which is slightly heavier on average.[8] The wingspan of the harpy eagle is relatively small, an adaptation that increases maneuverability in forested habitats and is shared by other raptors in similar habitats.
It is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the rainforest,[4] and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests in the upper (emergent) canopy layer. Destruction of its natural habitat has caused it to vanish from many parts of its former range, and it is nearly extirpated in Central America. In Brazil, the harpy eagle is also known as royal-hawk (in Portuguese: gavião-real).
The species name harpyja and the word harpy in the common name harpy eagle both come from Ancient Greek harpyia (ἅρπυια). They refer to the Harpies of Ancient Greek mythology. These were wind spirits that took the dead to Hades, and were said to have a body like an eagle and the face of a human
Female harpy eagles typically weigh 6 to 9 kg (13 to 20 lb).[9][11] One source states that adult females can weigh up to 10 kg (22 lb).[12] An exceptionally large captive female, "Jezebel", weighed 12.3 kg (27 lb).[13] Being captive, this large female may not be representative of the weight possible in wild harpy eagles due to differences in the food availability.[14][15] The male, in comparison, is much smaller and weighs only about 4 to 4.8 kg (8.8 to 10.6 lb).[9][11] Harpy eagles are 86.5–107 cm (2 ft 10 in–3 ft 6 in) long[10][11] and have a wingspan of 176 to 224 cm (5 ft 9 in to 7 ft 4 in).[9][10] Among the standard measurements, the wing chord measures 54–63 cm (1 ft 9 in–2 ft 1 in), the tail measures 37–42 cm (1 ft 3 in–1 ft 5 in), the tarsus is 11.4–13 cm (4.5–5.1 in) long, and the exposed culmen from the cere is 4.2 to 6.5 cm (1.7 to 2.6 in)
It is sometimes cited as the largest eagle alongside the Philippine eagle, which is somewhat longer on average, and the Steller's sea eagle, which is slightly heavier on average.[8] The wingspan of the harpy eagle is relatively small, an adaptation that increases maneuverability in forested habitats and is shared by other raptors in similar habitats. The wingspan of the harpy eagle is surpassed by several large eagles who live in more open habitats, such as those in the Haliaeetus and Aquila genera.[9] The extinct Haast's eagle was significantly larger than all extant eagles, including the harpy.[18]
This species is largely silent away from the nest. There, the adults give a penetrating, weak, melancholy scream, with the incubating males' call described as "whispy screaming or wailing".[19] The females' calls while incubating are similar, but are lower-pitched. While approaching the nest with food, the male calls out "rapid chirps, goose-like calls, and occasional sharp screams". Vocalization in both parents decreases as the nestlings age, while the nestlings become more vocal. The nestlings call chi-chi-chi...chi-chi-chi-chi, seemingly in alarm in response to rain or direct sunlight. When humans approach the nest, the nestlings have been described as uttering croaks,
Distribution & Habitat
Rare throughout its range, the harpy eagle is found from Mexico (almost extinct), through Central America and into South America to as far south as Argentina. In rainforests, they live in the emergent layer. The eagle is most common in Brazil, where it is found across the entire national territory.[21] With the exception of some areas of Panama, the species is almost extinct in Central America, subsequent to the logging of much of the rainforest there.[22] The harpy eagle inhabits tropical lowland rainforests and may occur within such areas from the canopy to the emergent vegetation. They typically occur below an elevation of 900 m (3,000 ft), but have been recorded at elevations up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft).[1] Within the rainforest, they hunt in the canopy or sometimes on the ground, and perch on emergent trees looking for prey. They do not generally occur in disturbed areas, but regularly visit semiopen forest/pasture mosaic, mainly in hunting forays.[23] Harpies, however, can be found flying over forest borders in a variety of habitats, such as cerrados, caatingas, buriti palm stands, cultivated fields, and cities.[24] They have been found in areas where high-grade forestry is practiced.
Adults are near or even at the top of a food chain and are rarely preyed on.[25] However, two young eagles that were being released into the wild as part of a reintroduction program were taken by a jaguar and the much smaller ocelot [26] Its main prey are tree-dwelling mammals and a majority of the diet has been shown to focus on sloths[27] and monkeys. Research conducted by Aguiar-Silva between 2003 and 2005 in a nesting site in Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil, collected remains from prey offered to the nestling by its parents and after sorting them, concluded, in terms of individuals preyed upon, the harpy's prey basis was composed in 79% by sloths from two species: Bradypus variegatus amounting to 39% of the individual prey base, and Choloepus didactylus to 40%; various monkeys amounted to 11.6% of the same prey base.[28] In a similar research venture in Panama, where a couple of captive-bred subadults was released, 52% of the male's captures and 54% of the female's were of two sloth species (Bradypus variegatus and Choloepus hoffmanni).[29] At one Venezuelan nest, the remains comprised sloths. Monkeys regularly taken can include capuchin monkeys, saki monkeys, howler monkeys, titi monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and spider monkeys. Smaller monkeys, such as tamarins and marmosets, are seemingly ignored as prey by this species.[9] At several nest in Guyana, monkeys made up about 37% of the prey remains found at the nests.[30] Similarly, cebid monkeys made up 35% of the remains found at 10 nests in Amazonian Ecuador.[31] Other partially arboreal and even land mammals are also preyed on given the opportunity, including porcupines, squirrels, opossums, anteaters, armadillos, and even relatively large carnivores such as kinkajous, coatis, and tayras.[9] In the Pantanal, a pair of nesting eagles preyed largely on the porcupine (Coendou prehensilis) and the agouti (Dasyprocta azarae).[32] The eagle may also attack bird species such as macaws: At the Parintins research site, the red-and-green macaw made up for 0.4% of the prey base, with other birds amounting to 4.6%.[28][33] Other parrots have also been preyed on, as well as cracids such as curassows and other birds like seriemas.[9] Additional prey items reported include reptiles such as iguanas, tegus, and snakes.[9][11] A recent literature review lists a total of 102 prey species.[34].
The eagle has been recorded as taking domestic livestock, including chickens, lambs, goats, and young pigs, but this is extremely rare under normal circumstances.[9] They control the population of mesopredators such as capuchin monkeys which prey extensively on bird's eggs and which (if not naturally controlled) may cause local extinctions of sensitive species
All of the Harpy eagle prey weight between 0.3 kg to 6.5 kg, with the mean prey size equaling 2.6 ± 0.8 kg [36] They possess the largest talons of any living eagle. They have been recorded as lifting prey up to equal their own body weight.[9] That allows the birds to snatch a live sloth from tree branches, as well as other huge prey items. Males usually take relatively smaller prey, with a typical range of 0.5 to 2.5 kg (1.1 to 5.5 lb) or about half their own weight.[9] The larger females take larger prey, with a minimum recorded prey weight of around 2.7 kg (6.0 lb). Adult female harpies regularly grab large male howler or spider monkeys or mature sloths weighing 6 to 9 kg (13 to 20 lb) in flight and fly off without landing, an enormous feat of strength.[9][37][38] Prey items taken to the nest by the parents are normally medium-sized, having been recorded from 1 to 4 kg (2.2 to 8.8 lb).[9] The prey brought to the nest by males averaged 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), while the prey brought to the nest by females averaged 3.2 kg (7.1 lb).[20]
Sometimes, harpy eagles are "sit-and-wait" predators (common in forest-dwelling raptors).[9] In harpies, this consists of perching and watching for long times from a high perch near an opening, a river, or a salt-lick (where many mammals go to feed for nutrients).[9] The more common hunting technique of the species is perch-hunting, which consists of scanning around for prey activity while briefly perched between short flights from tree to tree.[9] When prey is spotted, the eagle quickly dives and grabs the prey.[9] On occasion, they may also hunt by flying within or above the canopy.[9] They have also been observed tail-chasing, a predation style common to hawks that hunt birds, the genus Accipiter.[9] This comprises the eagle pursuing another bird in flight, rapidly dodging among trees and branches.[9]
In ideal habitats, nests would be fairly close together. In some parts of Panama and Guyana, active nests were located 3 km (1.9 mi) away from one another, while they are within 5 km (3.1 mi) of each other in Venezuela. In Peru, the average distance between nests was 7.4 km (4.6 mi) and the average area occupied by each breeding pairs was estimated at 4,300 ha (11,000 acres). In less ideal areas, with fragmented forest, breeding territories were estimated at 25 km (16 mi).[11] The female harpy eagle lays two white eggs in a large stick nest, which commonly measures 1.2 m (3.9 ft) deep and 1.5 m (4.9 ft) across and may be used over several years. Nests are located high up in a tree, usually in the main fork, at 16 to 43 m (52 to 141 ft), depending on the stature of the local trees. The harpy often builds its nest in the crown of the kapok tree, one of the tallest trees in South America. In many South American cultures, it is considered bad luck to cut down the kapok tree, which may help safeguard the habitat of this stately eagle.[39] The bird also uses other huge trees on which to build its nest, such as the Brazil nut tree.[40] A nesting site found in the Brazilian Pantanal was built on a cambará tree (Vochysia divergens).[41]
No display is known between pairs of eagles, and they are believed to mate for life. A pair of harpy eagles usually only raises one chick every 2–3 years. After the first chick hatches, the second egg is ignored and normally fails to hatch unless the first egg perishes. The egg is incubated around 56 days. When the chick is 36 days old, it can stand and walk awkwardly. The chick fledges at the age of 6 months, but the parents continue to feed it for another 6 to 10 months. The male captures much of the food for the incubating female and later the eaglet, but also takes an incubating shift while the female forages and also brings prey back to the nest. Breeding maturity is not reached until birds are 4 to 6 years of age.[9][20][23] Adults can be aggressive toward humans who disturb the nesting site or appear to be a threat to its young.
Status and Conservation
Although the harpy eagle still occurs over a considerable range, its distribution and populations have dwindled considerably. It is threatened primarily by habitat loss due to the expansion of logging, cattle ranching, agriculture, and prospecting. Secondarily, it is threatened by being hunted as an actual threat to livestock and/or a supposed one to human life, due to its great size.[43] Although not actually known to prey on humans and only rarely on domestic stock, the species' large size and nearly fearless behavior around humans reportedly make it an "irresistible target" for hunters.[11] Such threats apply throughout its range, in large parts of which the bird has become a transient sight only; in Brazil, it was all but wiped out from the Atlantic rainforest and is only found in appreciable numbers in the most remote parts of the Amazon basin; a Brazilian journalistic account of the mid-1990s already complained that at the time it was only found in significant numbers in Brazilian territory on the northern side of the Equator.[44] Scientific 1990s records, however, suggest that the harpy Atlantic Forest population may be migratory.[45] Subsequent research in Brazil has established that, as of 2009, the harpy eagle, outside the Brazilian Amazon, is critically endangered in Espírito Santo,[46] São Paulo and Paraná, endangered in Rio de Janeiro, and probably extirpated in Rio Grande do Sul (where there is a recent (March 2015) record for the Parque Estadual do Turvo)[1] and Minas Gerais[47] – the actual size of their total population in Brazil is unknown.[48]
Globally, the harpy eagle is considered Near Threatened by IUCN[1] and threatened with extinction by CITES (appendix I). The Peregrine Fund until recently considered it a "conservation-dependent species", meaning it depends on a dedicated effort for captive breeding and release to the wild, as well as habitat protection, to prevent it from reaching endangered status, but now has accepted the Near Threatened status. The harpy eagle is considered critically endangered in Mexico and Central America, where it has been extirpated in most of its former range; in Mexico, it used to be found as far north as Veracruz, but today probably occurs only in Chiapas in the Selva Zoque. It is considered as Near Threatened or Vulnerable in most of the South American portion of its range; at the southern extreme of its range, in Argentina, it is found only in the Parana Valley forests at the province of Misiones.[49][50] It has disappeared from El Salvador, and almost so from Costa Rica
National Initiiatives
Various initiatives for restoration of the species are in place in various countries. Since 2002, Peregrine Fund initiated a conservation and research program for the harpy eagle in the Darién Provinceboom .[51] A similar—and grander, given the dimensions of the countries involved—research project is occurring in Brazil, at the National Institute of Amazonian Research, through which 45 known nesting locations (updated to 62, only three outside the Amazonian basin and all three inactive) are being monitored by researchers and volunteers from local communities. A harpy eagle chick has been fitted with a radio transmitter that allows it to be tracked for more than three years via a satellite signal sent to the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research.[52] Also, a photographic recording of a nest site in the Carajás National Forest was made for the Brazilian edition of National Geographic Magazine.[53]
In Belize, the Belize Harpy Eagle Restoration Project began in 2003 with the collaboration of Sharon Matola, founder and director of the Belize Zoo and the Peregrine Fund. The goal of this project was the re-establishment of the harpy eagle within Belize. The population of the eagle declined as a result of forest fragmentation, shooting, and nest destruction, resulting in near extirpation of the species. Captive-bred harpy eagles were released in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area in Belize, chosen for its quality forest habitat and linkages with Guatemala and Mexico. Habitat linkage with Guatemala and Mexico were important for conservation of quality habitat and the harpy eagle on a regional level. As of November 2009, 14 harpy eagles have been released and are monitored by the Peregrine Fund, through satellite telemetry.[54]
In January 2009, a chick from the all-but-extirpated population in the Brazilian state of Paraná was hatched in captivity at the preserve kept in the vicinity of the Itaipu Dam by the Brazilian/Paraguayan state-owned company Itaipu Binacional.[55] In September 2009, an adult female, after being kept captive for 12 years in a private reservation, was fitted with a radio transmitter before being restored to the wild in the vicinity of the Pau Brasil National Park (formerly Monte Pascoal NP), in the state of Bahia.[56]
In December 2009, a 15th harpy eagle was released into the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area in Belize. The release was set to tie in with the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009, in Copenhagen. The 15th eagle, nicknamed "Hope" by the Peregrine officials in Panama, was the "poster child" for forest conservation in Belize, a developing country, and the importance of these activities in relation to climate change. The event received coverage from Belize's major media entities, and was supported and attended by the U.S. Ambassador to Belize, Vinai Thummalapally, and British High Commissioner to Belize, Pat Ashworth.[57]
In Colombia, as of 2007, an adult male and a subadult female confiscated from wildlife trafficking were restored to the wild and monitored in Paramillo National Park in Córdoba, and another couple was being kept in captivity at a research center for breeding and eventual release.[58] A monitoring effort with the help of volunteers from local Native American communities is also being made in Ecuador, including the joint sponsorship of various Spanish universities[59]—this effort being similar to another one going on since 1996 in Peru, centered around a native community in the Tambopata Province, Madre de Dios Region.[60] Another monitoring project, begun in 1992, was operating as of 2005 in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
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Birds of Brazil
Rare and local in forest in NW of our area, e.g., a well-known eyrie at Serra das Araras. Doubtless declining, but was never a numerous bird here. A huge powerful eagle; very heavily built, with massive bill, legs (especially), and talons. Long erectile double-pointed crest. Iris amber. Female much larger than male. Adult has head and neck pale grey, with crest blackish; above blackish; broad chest band black; below white with thighs black-barred; broad, fairly long tail boldly banded black and pale grey.
In flight wings very broad and rounded, underwing-coverts white with conspicuous black bar, black axillars, flight feathers white with black barring. Juvenile and immature variable, needing four years to attain adult plumage: head (even crest), neck and underparts white, coverts and back very pale grey (gradually darkening); tail at first with more narrow banding; underwing covered at first lacking the black. The Harpy is so huge that confusion is improbable except with the somewhat smaller and slighter Crested Eagle. It is helpful that traces of the Harpy adult's black chest band appear early on. Though considered the most powerful bird of prey in the world, given its size the Harpy is a remarkably inconspicuous bird. Usually remaining inside forest, one will occasionally perch on the forest's edge or launch across an open area such as a river. Harpies are unafraid of people, doubtless due to their great size, and rarely flee. Perched adults this present tempting targets and all too often end up getting shot. The Harpy never soars and almost never is seen above the forest canopy level in forest. It feeds on various midsize mammals (including monkeys and sloths) and larger birds. If the prey it has killed is too heavy, it may dismember it on the spot. A whistled "wheeeee" or "wheeee-wheeea" is given infrequently, especially around the nest.
Size and Weight: The harpy is one of the largest species of eagle. As is often the case with birds of prey, females are larger than males. The birds can grow to 36-40 inches. Females weigh between 13 to 20 lbs (6 to 9 kg). Males weigh between 9 and 11 lbs (4 to 5 kg). Its wings are relatively short, enabling the bird to maneuver through its thick-forested surroundings.
Plumage: The harpy eagle has dark gray feathers with a white underside. A black band of plumage spans its neck and a fan of gray feathers crowns its head. Male and female plumage is identical.
Diet: A hunting carnivore and an apex predator, the harpy eagle preys primarily on tree-dwelling mammals like sloths, monkeys, and opossums. They will occasionally prey on other birds like macaws, and on reptiles like iguanas. Females generally target larger prey because of their size, leaving smaller prey for the males.
Diet: A hunting carnivore and an apex predator, the harpy eagle preys primarily on tree-dwelling mammals like sloths, monkeys, and opossums. They will occasionally prey on other birds like macaws, and on reptiles like iguanas. Females generally target larger prey because of their size, leaving smaller prey for the males.
Habitat: The birds live in the rainforests of Central and South America. They prefer large expanses of uninterrupted forest and spend the majority of their time in the forest canopy. They are rarely seen flying over the canopy or in open spaces.
Geography: The harpy eagle is found primarily in South America, in countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, and northeast Argentina. The species is also found in areas of Mexico and Central America, though the populations are far smaller.
Lifespan: The bird’s lifespan is believed to be 25-35 years.
Social Structure and Breeding: Harpy eagles mate for life. Large nests made of sticks and branches and lined with softer materials are built at least 90 feet from the ground in huge trees like the kapok tree, the Brazil nut tree, or the Cambara tree. The harpy couple often reuses the same nest over many years. The female lays two eggs, but once the first egg hatches, the remaining egg is ignored and will not hatch. Both parents spend all their time protecting and raising the chick until it fledges, usually within 6 or 7 months, though it returns to the nest over the next 6-10 months for an occasional free meal. A harpy pair will produce a chick every 2-4 years. Young harpy eagles reach sexual maturity between the ages of 4 and 5.
Conservation Status and Threats: The species is at-risk due to increased habitat loss from development, logging, and agriculture. It’s currently listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN.
Its talons can be as large as the claws of a grizzly bear.
As an apex predator, the harpy eagle is often believed to be a key indicator of the health of the forest ecosystem. Where there are healthy numbers of harpy eagles, there are healthy numbers of the species it preys upon.
The exact number of harpies is not known. Birdlife International estimated that there were between 20,000 and 50,000 birds in 2009, but those numbers are far from definitive.
Powerful birds
The legs of a harpy eagle can be as thick as a small child's wrist, and its curved talons are longer than a grizzly bear's claws! It may not be the largest bird of prey (that title belongs to the Andean condor), but it is definitely the heaviest and most powerful of birds.
On the hunt
Harpy eagles are fast, agile flyers. They fly low over the rain forest and use their great talons to snatch up monkeys and sloths that can weigh up to 17 pounds! These birds are patient hunters: a harpy eagle will perch silently for hours in a tree, waiting to drop on unsuspecting prey.
fluffy babies
Harpy eagle chicks are covered with downy feathers and their are eyes closed when they first hatch.
The hawk-eagle is an accipitriform bird of the Accipitridae family.
Although not the largest predator bird on the planet, it is considered the strongest. It has a powerful beak and its sluts are larger than those of the American brown bear, its legs have the thickness of a fist of an adult man.
It has a very slow population growth. This fact, associated with the destruction of large forest areas and indiscriminate hunting, makes the species threatened with extinction in our country.
Research and Conservation Project
Project Gavião-real : Created in 1997 by the National Research Institute of the Amazon ( INPA ), with research activities, the project seeks to protect the hawk from its main threats: hunting and deforestation . Gavião-Real Monitoring Project : Created in 2012 by the Secretary of Environment of São Geraldo do Araguaia, the project seeks to protect the hawk-royal nests mapped in the region with environmental awareness and research activities. Harpia Monitoring Project in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park (PNSB) and surroundings within the scope of the activities of the Neotropical Foundation of Brazil ( FNB ), in addition to research, education and environmental awareness with the communities around the PNSB.
Despite size and strength, the hawk is fragile. Legend has it that in the forest the sharp-clawed bird attacks people and eats children, which encourages killing. The advancement of the agricultural frontier and the withdrawal of timber for sale is another risk factor, since the species needs large areas preserved to survive and only interweaves the nest in the most upward trees. To safeguard it, there is no other path than awareness.
Scientific name
Its scientific name means : of the (Latin) harpë = bird of prey, probably a mythical bird, harpian harpies that was half vulture and half woman. ⇒ Harpy - bird of prey . This name in the original conception Vultur harpyja (Linaeus, 1758) is the second name created in the avian nomenclature.
It is a huge eagle, the most powerful of the planet. It is the largest Brazilian bird of prey! E measures between 90 and 105 centimeters in length and has a wingspan of more than 200 centimeters. Both sexes are similar, but the female is much larger. Their weight varies between 4 and 4.8 kilograms for the male individual and between 7.6 and 9 kilograms for female subjects.
Adults have dark gray upper parts. The wings are broad, relatively short and rounded. The long tail is barred in white and features the rounded tip. The lower parts are white, except for a dark gray band on the chest. The thighs are white, finely barred in black. The head is gray, paler than the other upper parts, with a conspicuous gray coloration. It presents a beautiful erectile crest with feathers of different sizes in the occipital portion of the head. The hook-shaped beak is sturdy and dark gray in color and features the dark gray almost black quartz. The eyes are dark brown. Legs and feet are yellow. The feet are strong and equipped with long black claws.
The immature needs 4 to 5 years to reach adult plumage. And for each annual plumage the young person presents / displays small variations in the coloration of the plumage, in the number and the width of the bars of the tail. The youngest immatures with first year plumage present general plumage of light gray and white coloration; this plumage becomes darker every year until it reaches the plumage of the adult individual.
It feeds on large animals such as laziness, mutts, coats, guinea-pigs, guinea pigs, deer pups, blue macaws, seriemas, armadillos, cubs, iguanas and snakes. He is fast and strong in his assaults, being able to extract sloths clinging to tree branches. There is a report of the capture of a guariba male that weighed around 6.5 kg.
It makes a nest on top of the larger trees, such as sumaumeiras and chestnut trees, from where it observes everything around. The nest, as large as that of a tuiuiú, is built with piles of branches. It has 2 gray-white eggs between September and November, which weigh around 110 g and have a incubation period of 52 days. Usually only one baby survives, which can occur, taking about 5 months to fly, and 2 to 3 years to become an adult, depending on the care of the parents for a year or more. The species does not reproduce every year, since it takes more than a year to complete the reproductive period.
Species rare, inhabits dense primary forests and gallery forests. Live alone or in pairs in the treetops. Despite its size, it is quite agile and hard to see.
Geographic distribution
Present in Brazil in remote forest regions, especially in the Amazon, or in protected areas, such as Atlantic Forest reserves. There are also records for the cerrado and wetland. Also found from Mexico to Argentina.
As with many other herons, Cocoi Herons' plumage changes slightly during the breeding season. During this period long black plumes can be observed extending down from the cap, with long delicate breeding feathers also becoming visible on the herons' backs. Other changes occur with the orange coloration of the beak and blue/green facial skin also becoming brighter and more prominent. Timing for the breeding season varies slightly based on location - starting in July in the northern-most part of its range (Panama and Suriname), but starting several months later (November) in the southern-most extremes. Within the Pantanal the breeding season occurs in September.
Cocoi herons can nest alone but often gather together in larger colonies, which may be mixed with other heron species. Nests are built in trees or in reeds close to the water. The nests are large and deep, being built from twigs and reeds, then lined with grass. Up to four eggs may be laid. These are light blue in colour, with paler speckles. Eggs are incubated for around 24 to 26 days.
The Cocoi heron is classified by the IUCN as Least Concern because of its extensive geographical range, apparently increasing population trend and large population size.
Rare and local in forest in NW of our area, e.g., a well-known eyrie at Serra das Araras. Doubtless declining, but was never a numerous bird here. A huge powerful eagle; very heavily built, with massive bill, legs (especially), and talons. Long erectile double-pointed crest. Iris amber. Female much larger than male. Adult has head and neck pale grey, with crest blackish; above blackish; broad chest band black; below white with thighs black-barred; broad, fairly long tail boldly banded black and pale grey.
In flight wings very broad and rounded, underwing-coverts white with conspicuous black bar, black axillars, flight feathers white with black barring. Juvenile and immature variable, needing four years to attain adult plumage: head (even crest), neck and underparts white, coverts and back very pale grey (gradually darkening); tail at first with more narrow banding; underwing covered at first lacking the black. The Harpy is so huge that confusion is improbable except with the somewhat smaller and slighter Crested Eagle. It is helpful that traces of the Harpy adult's black chest band appear early on. Though considered the most powerful bird of prey in the world, given its size the Harpy is a remarkably inconspicuous bird. Usually remaining inside forest, one will occasionally perch on the forest's edge or launch across an open area such as a river. Harpies are unafraid of people, doubtless due to their great size, and rarely flee. Perched adults this present tempting targets and all too often end up getting shot. The Harpy never soars and almost never is seen above the forest canopy level in forest. It feeds on various midsize mammals (including monkeys and sloths) and larger birds. If the prey it has killed is too heavy, it may dismember it on the spot. A whistled "wheeeee" or "wheeee-wheeea" is given infrequently, especially around the nest.
Size and Weight: The harpy is one of the largest species of eagle. As is often the case with birds of prey, females are larger than males. The birds can grow to 36-40 inches. Females weigh between 13 to 20 lbs (6 to 9 kg). Males weigh between 9 and 11 lbs (4 to 5 kg). Its wings are relatively short, enabling the bird to maneuver through its thick-forested surroundings.
Plumage: The harpy eagle has dark gray feathers with a white underside. A black band of plumage spans its neck and a fan of gray feathers crowns its head. Male and female plumage is identical.
Diet: A hunting carnivore and an apex predator, the harpy eagle preys primarily on tree-dwelling mammals like sloths, monkeys, and opossums. They will occasionally prey on other birds like macaws, and on reptiles like iguanas. Females generally target larger prey because of their size, leaving smaller prey for the males.
Diet: A hunting carnivore and an apex predator, the harpy eagle preys primarily on tree-dwelling mammals like sloths, monkeys, and opossums. They will occasionally prey on other birds like macaws, and on reptiles like iguanas. Females generally target larger prey because of their size, leaving smaller prey for the males.
Habitat: The birds live in the rainforests of Central and South America. They prefer large expanses of uninterrupted forest and spend the majority of their time in the forest canopy. They are rarely seen flying over the canopy or in open spaces.
Geography: The harpy eagle is found primarily in South America, in countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, and northeast Argentina. The species is also found in areas of Mexico and Central America, though the populations are far smaller.
Lifespan: The bird’s lifespan is believed to be 25-35 years.
Social Structure and Breeding: Harpy eagles mate for life. Large nests made of sticks and branches and lined with softer materials are built at least 90 feet from the ground in huge trees like the kapok tree, the Brazil nut tree, or the Cambara tree. The harpy couple often reuses the same nest over many years. The female lays two eggs, but once the first egg hatches, the remaining egg is ignored and will not hatch. Both parents spend all their time protecting and raising the chick until it fledges, usually within 6 or 7 months, though it returns to the nest over the next 6-10 months for an occasional free meal. A harpy pair will produce a chick every 2-4 years. Young harpy eagles reach sexual maturity between the ages of 4 and 5.
Conservation Status and Threats: The species is at-risk due to increased habitat loss from development, logging, and agriculture. It’s currently listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN.
Its talons can be as large as the claws of a grizzly bear.
As an apex predator, the harpy eagle is often believed to be a key indicator of the health of the forest ecosystem. Where there are healthy numbers of harpy eagles, there are healthy numbers of the species it preys upon.
The exact number of harpies is not known. Birdlife International estimated that there were between 20,000 and 50,000 birds in 2009, but those numbers are far from definitive.
Powerful birds
The legs of a harpy eagle can be as thick as a small child's wrist, and its curved talons are longer than a grizzly bear's claws! It may not be the largest bird of prey (that title belongs to the Andean condor), but it is definitely the heaviest and most powerful of birds.
On the hunt
Harpy eagles are fast, agile flyers. They fly low over the rain forest and use their great talons to snatch up monkeys and sloths that can weigh up to 17 pounds! These birds are patient hunters: a harpy eagle will perch silently for hours in a tree, waiting to drop on unsuspecting prey.
fluffy babies
Harpy eagle chicks are covered with downy feathers and their are eyes closed when they first hatch.
The hawk-eagle is an accipitriform bird of the Accipitridae family.
Although not the largest predator bird on the planet, it is considered the strongest. It has a powerful beak and its sluts are larger than those of the American brown bear, its legs have the thickness of a fist of an adult man.
It has a very slow population growth. This fact, associated with the destruction of large forest areas and indiscriminate hunting, makes the species threatened with extinction in our country.
Research and Conservation Project
Project Gavião-real : Created in 1997 by the National Research Institute of the Amazon ( INPA ), with research activities, the project seeks to protect the hawk from its main threats: hunting and deforestation . Gavião-Real Monitoring Project : Created in 2012 by the Secretary of Environment of São Geraldo do Araguaia, the project seeks to protect the hawk-royal nests mapped in the region with environmental awareness and research activities. Harpia Monitoring Project in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park (PNSB) and surroundings within the scope of the activities of the Neotropical Foundation of Brazil ( FNB ), in addition to research, education and environmental awareness with the communities around the PNSB.
Despite size and strength, the hawk is fragile. Legend has it that in the forest the sharp-clawed bird attacks people and eats children, which encourages killing. The advancement of the agricultural frontier and the withdrawal of timber for sale is another risk factor, since the species needs large areas preserved to survive and only interweaves the nest in the most upward trees. To safeguard it, there is no other path than awareness.
Scientific name
Its scientific name means : of the (Latin) harpë = bird of prey, probably a mythical bird, harpian harpies that was half vulture and half woman. ⇒ Harpy - bird of prey . This name in the original conception Vultur harpyja (Linaeus, 1758) is the second name created in the avian nomenclature.
It is a huge eagle, the most powerful of the planet. It is the largest Brazilian bird of prey! E measures between 90 and 105 centimeters in length and has a wingspan of more than 200 centimeters. Both sexes are similar, but the female is much larger. Their weight varies between 4 and 4.8 kilograms for the male individual and between 7.6 and 9 kilograms for female subjects.
Adults have dark gray upper parts. The wings are broad, relatively short and rounded. The long tail is barred in white and features the rounded tip. The lower parts are white, except for a dark gray band on the chest. The thighs are white, finely barred in black. The head is gray, paler than the other upper parts, with a conspicuous gray coloration. It presents a beautiful erectile crest with feathers of different sizes in the occipital portion of the head. The hook-shaped beak is sturdy and dark gray in color and features the dark gray almost black quartz. The eyes are dark brown. Legs and feet are yellow. The feet are strong and equipped with long black claws.
The immature needs 4 to 5 years to reach adult plumage. And for each annual plumage the young person presents / displays small variations in the coloration of the plumage, in the number and the width of the bars of the tail. The youngest immatures with first year plumage present general plumage of light gray and white coloration; this plumage becomes darker every year until it reaches the plumage of the adult individual.
It feeds on large animals such as laziness, mutts, coats, guinea-pigs, guinea pigs, deer pups, blue macaws, seriemas, armadillos, cubs, iguanas and snakes. He is fast and strong in his assaults, being able to extract sloths clinging to tree branches. There is a report of the capture of a guariba male that weighed around 6.5 kg.
It makes a nest on top of the larger trees, such as sumaumeiras and chestnut trees, from where it observes everything around. The nest, as large as that of a tuiuiú, is built with piles of branches. It has 2 gray-white eggs between September and November, which weigh around 110 g and have a incubation period of 52 days. Usually only one baby survives, which can occur, taking about 5 months to fly, and 2 to 3 years to become an adult, depending on the care of the parents for a year or more. The species does not reproduce every year, since it takes more than a year to complete the reproductive period.
Species rare, inhabits dense primary forests and gallery forests. Live alone or in pairs in the treetops. Despite its size, it is quite agile and hard to see.
Geographic distribution
Present in Brazil in remote forest regions, especially in the Amazon, or in protected areas, such as Atlantic Forest reserves. There are also records for the cerrado and wetland. Also found from Mexico to Argentina.
As with many other herons, Cocoi Herons' plumage changes slightly during the breeding season. During this period long black plumes can be observed extending down from the cap, with long delicate breeding feathers also becoming visible on the herons' backs. Other changes occur with the orange coloration of the beak and blue/green facial skin also becoming brighter and more prominent. Timing for the breeding season varies slightly based on location - starting in July in the northern-most part of its range (Panama and Suriname), but starting several months later (November) in the southern-most extremes. Within the Pantanal the breeding season occurs in September.
Cocoi herons can nest alone but often gather together in larger colonies, which may be mixed with other heron species. Nests are built in trees or in reeds close to the water. The nests are large and deep, being built from twigs and reeds, then lined with grass. Up to four eggs may be laid. These are light blue in colour, with paler speckles. Eggs are incubated for around 24 to 26 days.
Quick Facts
- Largest living species of eagle - although not the largest ever species of eagle (that honour goes to New Zealand's extinct Haast's Eagle).
- Also known as a the White-Necked Heron.
- The name Cocoi comes from the indigenous Tupi language - and means "bird with a hopping walk".
- Cocoi Herons have a habit of partially opening their wings, then standing to face the sun. This probably serves to help regulate the internal temperature of their body.
- Cocoi Herons are shy and rarely let people get close. A "safe" distance for this bird is at least 60 to 80 m.
- As with all herons, Cocoi Herons fly with its neck retracted in an S-shape. This differs from other species such as cranes, ibises and spoonbills which fly with their necks extended.
- Besides covering all of South America (except the high Andes) Cocoi Heron are occasional visitors to Trinidad, Tobago, and the Falkland Islands.
Conservation Threats
The Cocoi heron is classified by the IUCN as Least Concern because of its extensive geographical range, apparently increasing population trend and large population size.

Banner image: Harpy Eagle. (Shutterstock/MarcusVDT).
Footer images: Tuiuiú, Turkey Vulture(Andrew Mercer); Amazon Kingfisher (Shutterstock/Ecoventurestravel)
Pantanal Escapes