The Tegu is another large lizard commonly seen within the Pantanal - and another favourite for the pet trade. Also within the same family are the Amazon Racerunners or Giant Ameiva.
Scientific Name
Tupinambis teguixin or
Tupinambis merianae
Local Name
Large heavy-bodied lizard with long pointed head and muscular build. Beaded skin and a pattern of repeating horizontal bands.
Scientific Name
Ameiva Ameiva
Local Name
Calango Verde or
Medium-sized lizard, about 40-50 cm in length. Head and shoulders are mottled grey, with bright green body.
The Tegu ranges across much of South America. In the northern part it's range the predominant species is the Golden Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin). The southern part of the range is predominantly the Black and White Tegu (Tupinambis merianae). The Pantanal region contains both species.
The Giant Ameiva (Ameiva Ameiva) ranges from Panama to northern Argentina. However, populations have expanded into Central America, with an introduced population also in Florida.
Banner image: Low angle close up portrait of an adult Common Tegu Lizard (Shutterstock/Martin Mecnarowski)