Lancehead snakes, also known as fer-de-lance, Jararaca or Boca-de-Sapo (frogmouth) are among the most feared snakes in Central and South America - and are responsible for more snakebites in Brazil than any other species.
Scientific Name
Bothrops jararaca
Bothrops neuwiedi
Local Name
Medium size snake, 60 cm to 1.5 m depending on species. Variety of of colours although most Pantanal species have a grey or brown mottled appearance. Large triangular head.
Jararaca-pintada (bothrops neudwiedi) is the species of lancehead most frequently encountered in the Pantanal. It's typically around 70 cm in length and has a dark spotted coloration providing excellent camouflage. Photo: Daderot.
The Jararaçu (bothrops jararacussu) is another lancehead species found in the Pantanal. This species is slightly bigger, with adults reaching 1.5 metres. It has a lighter grey colour and more distinct patterning. Photo: Luis Roberto Francisco.
For most Brazilians, the jararaca (also known as the Brazilian Lancehead, bothrops moojeni) is light brown in colour. However, this particular species is less common within the Pantanal. Photo: Fernando Tatagiba.
Banner image: Brazilian Lancehead (Shutterstock/reptiles4all)