Coral snakes are easily identifiable by their bright colours. They're very pretty - but the strong colours are there to send a message: Danger! Don't touch!!
Scientific Name
Micrurus frontalis
Local Name
Coral verdadeira
(true coral snake)
Several variations, reaching up to 1.2 m. Varying arrangements of red, black, and white bands. False coral snakes can be differentiated by the shape of the head.
This map shows the distribution snakes from the genus micrurus, or southern coral snakes. Micrurus frontalis is the species most likely to be present in the Pantanal - but is rare and unlikely to be encountered due to its shy and secretive nature.
Southern coral snake (mIcrurus frontalis) photographed in the cerrado around Brasília. Photo: William Quatman.
Banner image: Micrurus frontalis (Fábio Maffei).