Pintado and Cachara are two species of large shovel-nosed catfish common in the Pantanal and favourite with fishermen. Both measure up to 1m in length, with the main difference being coloration - the Pintado is spotted, whereas the Cachara is striped.
Scientific Name
Pseudoplatystoma corruscans
Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum
Local Name
Surubim-Pintado or
Large catfish, up to 1 m in length. Typically dark grey-brown in colour with a lighter underside. Species can be distinguished by their markings: The Pintado has dark spots, whereas the Cachara has dark transverse stripes. Both species have a long flattened head and nose (hence the english name, Shovel-nosed Catfish).
Close-up of two other closely related species, Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum from the Amazon region. These are similar to Pantanal species but differ in markings. Credit: iStock/dmitriyd
An illegal catch of Pintado and Cachara confiscated by IBAMA (Brazil's Environmental Protection Agency) during the Piracema period in the Cuiabá river. Credit: Lenine Martins/Secom-MT
Banner image: Surubim catfish (iStock/dmitriyd).